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Biodiversity checklists
Eswatini is one of three countries in the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area. Muti Muti’s geographical location, and its significant size of approximately 6000 ha, create expanded corridors with protected areas in Mozambique and South Africa, as well as within Eswatini itself in the Lubombo Conservancy Cluster.
Additionally, the Lubombo Conservancy Cluster in eastern Eswatini is within the Lubombo Maputaland Centre of Endemism and the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany Hotspot (Perera 2013). A rapid assessment of 44 areas in Eswatini found Muti Muti Conservancy to be a priority landscape for protection due to its floral biodiversity (Roques et al. 2002). In a detailed field assessment of biodiversity in nearby Manzimnyame Protection Worthy Area (PWA), 251 indigenous plant species were recorded, representing 8% of Eswatini’s indigenous flora (Roques et al 2003). While Roques et al. (2003) called for more detailed study of all 16 PWAs that have been delineated (Roques et al. 2002), Muti Muti has yet to complete this critical task.
Of the 519 bird species found in Eswatini, 60% or 311 species have been spotted at Muti Muti. The Conservancy is also known for its diversity of tree species and other species of plants, including some that are rare and endemic, although species lists need to be described for Muti Muti. (For the Eswatini Tree Atlas, click here). Mabuda Guest Farm has an annual butterfly festival with a lovely card that is also available at the Green Shed Coffee Shop that highlights 37 of the 349 species of butterflies and moths of Eswatini. Additionally, many species of dragonflies are sure to buzz you on a hike to Mkhulu’s Dam or the Lily Ponds.

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