Experiencing biodiversity

There are more than 20 km of hiking trails at Muti Muti. Come enjoy the biodiversity - and increase your physical, mental, and spiritual health. There are trails of different lengths as well as plenty of overlooks from which to enjoy a sunset.

With its diversity of habitats, Muti Muti hosts over 300 species of birds, including the Trumpeter Hornbill (Muti Muti's icon). Check out the bird list below which was compiled from data gathered by the Natural History Society Bird Group and Casper Badenhorst. (photo by nkhankanka@inaturalist)
muti muti has a unique role in protecting floral biodiversity in eswatini
Muti Muti’s geographical location and its significant size of approximately 6000 ha create expanded corridors with protected areas in Mozambique and South Africa, as well as within Eswatini itself in the Lubombo Conservancy Cluster. A rapid assessment of 44 areas in Eswatini found Muti Muti Conservancy to be a priority landscape for protection due to its floral biodiversity. In a detailed field assessment of biodiversity in nearby Manzimnyame Protected Area, 251 indigenous plant species were recorded, representing 8% of Eswatini’s indigenous flora.
Book accommodation or an adventure
While many guests enjoy hiking the trails of the Mabuda Guest Farm portion of Muti Muti Conservancy, there are vistas, bush camping and hiking further afield available to book. Inquire at Mabuda Guest Farm or directly at the Green Shed.